Daily Data for a Month


This routine creates a product containing daily maximum temperature (degrees F), minimum temperature (degrees F), average temperature (degrees F), temperature departure from normal (degrees F), heating degree days (HDD), cooling degree days (CDD), growing degree days (GDD), precipitation (inches), new snowfall (inches) and depth of snow on the ground (inches). These variables are displayed for a selected station and month. Values of "Tr" in any of the last three columns indicate a "trace". Asterisks (***) indicate missing data. A value followed by an "S" indicates that the observation is missing for that day, but is included in a subsequent value. An "A" flag indicates an accumulated value which includes the current day and any immediately preceding missing days (flagged by "S").

The data table is preceded by the standard headers. Following the table of daily values are three lines of summary statistics. The values in the "Sums" row are simply the sums of the values in the column. Trace values and missing values do not contribute to the monthly sums. The "Averages" row is simply the average of the non-missing values in the column. In the case of average temperature, the daily values displayed are rounded off to the nearest degree, but the monthly average uses the full precision of the daily values. The "Normal" row provides the NCDC-computed normal for that statistic. In February of leap years, an "adjusted normal" is also displayed. This is arrived at by taking the February normal and integrating with it the normal for March 1. This better reflects the normal for the 29-day month, especially for cumulative statistics like degree days and precipitation.


The price for this product is $0.25/month.


Daily Data for a Month

Station: PRESQUE ISLE State: ME ID: 176937
Latitude: 46.65 Longitude: -68.00 Elevation: 599 feet
Station period of record: 6/1/1948-current

CLIMOD Product: Daily Data for a Month Creation Time: 10/09/2000 12:16 EDT
Month: February 1934

 Day   Max Temp   Min Temp   Avg Temp   Departure 
 from Normal 
 HDD   CDD   GDD   Precipitation   Snowfall   Snow Depth 
1 27 -6 11 -1 54 0 0 0.05 0.5 38
2 25 13 19 7 46 0 0 0.32 2.5 40
3 15 -12 2 -10 63 0 0 *** *** ***
4 6 -25 -10 -21 75 0 0 *** *** ***
5 8 0 4 -8 61 0 0 *** *** ***
6 0 -29 -15 -27 80 0 0 *** *** ***
7 -1 -31 -16 -28 81 0 0 *** *** ***
8 1 -19 -9 -22 74 0 0 *** *** ***
9 -4 -29 -17 -29 82 0 0 *** *** ***
10 11 -10 1 -12 64 0 0 *** *** ***
11 22 3 13 -1 52 0 0 *** *** ***
12 29 13 21 8 44 0 0 *** *** ***
13 27 10 19 5 46 0 0 0.06 0.5 41
14 26 -14 6 -8 59 0 0 0.20 1.5 42
15 11 -10 1 -14 64 0 0 0.05 0.5 43
16 8 -14 -3 -17 68 0 0 *** *** ***
17 10 -32 -11 -26 76 0 0 *** *** ***
18 23 -19 2 -13 63 0 0 *** *** ***
19 26 -11 8 -8 57 0 0 *** *** ***
20 25 16 21 5 44 0 0 0.05 0.5 43
21 25 15 20 4 45 0 0 0.10 1.0 44
22 26 6 16 -0 49 0 0 *** *** ***
23 32 21 27 10 38 0 0 1.27 13.5 58
24 25 -8 9 -9 56 0 0 0.05 0.5 58
25 6 -16 -5 -23 70 0 0 *** *** ***
26 7 -15 -4 -22 69 0 0 0.05 0.5 59
27 13 1 7 -11 58 0 0 0.15 1.5 60
28 20 -14 3 -16 62 0 0 *** *** ***

Sums 449 -216 1700 0 0 2.35 23.0
Averages 16.0 -7.7 4.2 -10.3 47.8
Normal 24.7 4.3 14.5 1414 0 1.61

  *** = missing data

  HDD: Heating Degree Days, Base 65
  CDD: Cooling Degree Days, Base 65
  GDD: Growing Degree Days, Base 50

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