CLIMOD Usage Policy

The NRCC CLIMOD system is available to registered users on a subscription basis. Users must contact NRCC to establish an account. Registered users must maintain a positive account balance against which system usage charges are deducted.

Initial deposit

A $25 minimum deposit is required to establish a CLIMOD account. This deposit is put "on account" against which subsequent charges will be applied. If a user wishes to terminate their account at any time, any unused balance of $5 or more will be refunded.

Product charges

CLIMOD is a debit system where appropriate product charges are deducted from the user's account everytime a product is generated. Access charges vary by product and can be found in each product's "Details" file.

Account balances

The user's account balance is displayed in the upper-right corner of the CLIMOD screen. Users should monitor their balance and contact NRCC when they need to add funds to their account. Products will not be displayed once the balance drops to $0.


Payment can be made by check or credit card. Send checks made out to "Cornell University-NRCC" to:

Northeast Regional Climate Center
1123 Bradfield Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-1901.

To use a credit card, call 607-255-1751 with the number.


We have attempted to make the CLIMOD system compatible with the current versions of the most common web browsers (such as, Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer). The system does make use of JavaScript, so be sure this option is enabled in your browser's preferences. CLIMOD also uses "cookies" to maintain user settings. Therefore, your browser should be set to accept cookies.

We cannot provide support for the software and hardware on the user's side. The procedures for viewing, printing, or saving information are controlled by the browser. If you are having trouble with those procedures, please refer to your on-line help, manuals, or the browser's technical support.


If you have any questions, you can contact the Northeast Regional Climate Center at (607) 255-1751 or send e-mail to .

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